SSN H5 mask question

I have always wondered why on the ssn h5 the nose lip area looks like it was added later.It sometimes does not match up in paint scheme either.I have never been big on the H5 and I am clueless on the background of the ssn version.I was hoping one of you could explain this.

Don Shanks broke his nose during the movie

So they cut out a piece?

They added a nose piece to better fit Shanks, then SSN replicated the nose addition on their mask

You guys do know he is talking about the SSN version right?

Yeah, what do you mean… :confused: Confusion ensues

SSN makes the most accurate verison. Hands down you will not find better.

I second that!

But, I don’t beleive the story that the nose extension was added because Shanks Broke his nose.

Underneath the nose extension on the Hero, the old nose is still there, so how would that have have benefited somebody with a broken nose?

thats just what I heard
dont even remember where I heard it from :blush:

No, you are right, he did break his nose and people say that’s why they put on the nose extension.

I just don’t beleive it.

You know I agree Scott :smiley:

yep same here :smiley:

can wait to see Andrews new one though

from what I remember hearing, they DID cut away the nose on at least one of the masks. they then poured an extremely thin pull of just the face, trimmed out the nose area, painted it, then gently applied it over shanks’ nose and blended the paint a bit more while on him.