Stealing the idea from bobby..Accurate DB Kirk count?

In the recent DB2 thread it was being questioned and I don’t know if anyone truly knows.Does anybody have an idea of how many DB2 Kirks are left untouched,original 8 and final four?I still own mine unaltered,which was originally Billy Kirkus’ copy.Anybody else have one lurking besides Tom and Bobby?Anyone have an very strong idea on how many are left?

I own one, of which I am the original purchaser. Hope this helps in your attempt to get an accurate count of how many still exist in Capt.Kirk form.

DBCELL by 1ajak, on Flickr

Great idea Randy!!!

Correct me if any of this is not up to date or wrong

Final Four: Bobby, Tom, Devilman (plus a 4th that I bought and had converted).

Original 8: Randy, Nik, Matt, Steve…other 4 I have no idea.