Still no TOTS Judith Myers Tombstone...

Well folks we are already well into June and still no sign of the full size Judith Tombstone yet. It’s not looking too good for it to get out before the Halloween season. Maybe they will pull it off somehow.

Although with only a few months left until the Halloween season is upon us, it will be cutting it damn close. Kinda sucks, as that was one of the things I was really looking to pick up from this years lineup.

Part of me wonders if that curved Poster Knife was a replacement for the lack of the tombstone. That knife wasn’t in the catalog, yet it popped up out of nowhere. The tombstone was in the catalog, but still nowhere to be found. Ohwell, maybe eventually…

Cemetery Haunts makes an amazing Judith Myers headstone. They’re on Facebook and IG.

Yeah I browsed through the Etsy shop of their products before. Great looking stuff, and a wide variety. I was just leaning towards affordability with the TOTS, not that theirs are crazy expensive or anything. What material is used to make theirs?

I was thinking that the other day. I said to myself, “Wasn’t TOTS supposed to be making a Judith tombstone?”

Jennifer made me a Friday The 13th part 5 grave marker…It looks fantastic! Just like it was taken from the set!

What materials are used for those? How durable would you say they are?

She uses a thick Extruded Polystyrene Insulated Sheathing, aka Insulation Foam Board. It’s not the cheap flimsy kind you’ll find at other prop shops or Halloween stores. It’s very durable - easily can withstand outdoor use. I absolutely love my Judith Myers headstone. It was worth every penny.

I’m gonna be really disappointed if this is the case. I was looking forward to having this among the other parts of their 1978 collection.

I thought I saw on FB that they were threatening an Etsy shop that produced those Judith tombstones a few months ago? Now they don’t make it? Christ.



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Cemetary Haunts still makes them. Jennifer Lee is on FB if you want to inquire to her about the different sizes she does

That’s shady of them

Is this headstone life size? What are the dimensions? I am looking for one to set up in the front yard.

Yes you can ask her to do the life size right down to Christmas ornament size. Go check her out, read and ask questions

I just placed an order. Better than waiting for ToTS, if they are even still planning on releasing one.

You can’t go wrong with Jen’s work… :myers:

That’s a great photo! I asked for the full size movie replica. According to what Jen said, she has her own version (which is supposedly more popular) and the movie version which is based on the prop from the film.

My FT13th part 5 Jason Voorhees opening scene grave marker Jen did for me.

Nice! I’m looking forward to this. I will probably post a review of the prop and overall experience doing business with her once I receive it. Can’t wait!