Styrofoam, good or bad?

Okay, so I’ve been looking on the forums here. A lot of people say they keep their mask on a styrofoam head. I noticed others say that’s bad to do.

What’s consensus nowadays? Is styrofoam bad for masks? Maybe it’s okay if you use a styrofoam head but put something over it first?


I have been told that keeping a mask on a Styrofoam head is bad for the mask. I use one but I cover it with 2 plastic bags and black nylon so to keep the mask safe and to give a nice blackout look on the eyes.

No one can say for certain, I think. Seems like an urban legend almost :laughing: lots of people say it because the hero was on a Styrofoam head and it deteriorated, but that was more so because of the smoke sweat and dirt.

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That could be true. I always wondered what the hero would look like today if kept up and taken care of since the first film.

We can dream! Lol

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I kept my ToTs H2 on a styrofoam head until recently I used paper towels so the neck wouldn’t touch the floor. The mask hasn’t rotted at all and it’s 2 years old

The chemical make-up of styrofoam has been known to draw the natural moisture out of latex, which is essentially tree sap. That’s why it dies and decomposes. Now to say this doesn’t take a long time, well this can be true. I say, why take the chance. I stuff mine with grocery bags. Also, this I believe, has helped keep one of my 20 year old masks in tact after various use. Hope this helped.