Finally got around to getting a nice camera and tripod for proper costume shots. Here’s me in my CGP Warlock mask channeling my inner Dick Warlock. Thanks for checking them out everyone!
Great pics man! Very nice Dick Warlock look you have goin on. Cheers
Thanks Adam. I’m happy with how they turned out as well.
Cool shots man, and well done… I enjoyed them!
Love them man!
Nice pics.
Great shots and cool mask!
Thanks, that’s great to hear! Your Shat photos from the other day were top notch as usual sir.
Thank you very much.
Glad you liked them.
Thanks, it was my first high-end indie mask and I love it.
Thank’s man!
Way cool shots friend and Killer mask to boot!
Thanks for sharing
Great pics! Really like the b/w shot…has a lobby card vibe to it… Nice!
Nice! That b/w is where it’s at.
I love that you include the retro-Coke can in the display case. Excellent!

Way cool shots friend and Killer mask to boot!
Thanks for sharing
My pleasure, glad you liked them.

Great pics! Really like the b/w shot…has a lobby card vibe to it… Nice!
Thanks! The b/w was one of my faves too.

Nice! That b/w is where it’s at.
Thanks for checking them out.

I love that you include the retro-Coke can in the display case. Excellent!
Thanks. It was hard to find one with the barcode under the Coca-Cola logo, like in the Dick Warlock shot. Even though it took a while hunting it down it was totally worth it. Gotta love eBay!