The Army has made me a little Psycho

Got bored and thought I would mess around with my Psycho. I love this mask. In my opinion THIS IS H1.

Great Lookin Mask Bro, I’m at Fort Bragg.

Thanks, this is the mask that got me into collecting 4 years ago and I finally got one in October. I’m at Fort Benning.

You guys know We were soldiers? I know the guy whos platoon it was based on.

yeah the psycho is a great H1 mask. one of my top picks :drinkers:

Great mask bro! Wow! You actually have the chance to e-mail from Benning? That’s awesome. We had absolutley NO privliges when I was there man. 11 Bravo all the way :drinkers: Thank’s for your service.
Jay Muzz

nice mask, wheres your rank?

since i’m just a E-1 Private, i’m still a fuzzy sadly.

Thanks for the compliments guys.

11B for life

Infantry Rules! best mos period! nice to see some fellow 11b’s on here. merry christmas

You in Fort Bragg, NC? NICE;) Isn’t that also where SFOD-D is stationed?

Nice man. I can only see the mask. Where are you at in the pics… :wink:

Yea, All the Highspeeds are here.

Nice looking copy.

I think your user pic is scarier than that! :laughing: