The Beginning of the End(The Butcher) *UPDATED 2/18!!

I’ve discovered today that my Butcher mask is starting to crack and rot!! He’s always been my favorite indy Myers mask and I’m so heartbroken!![emoji174] Luckily, he still photographs well and is scary as hell!! I’ll never be able to wear him again but I’ve never had the intimidating build to do him justice so that’s ok! [emoji380][emoji316][emoji262]


Justin Mabry contacted me and sweetly offered to try and fix him! So here’s a few more shots of The Butcher as he’s being boxed and sent to Justin for some damage control! [emoji380][emoji316][emoji262]

Sorry to hear that man!! I messaged you earlier on Facebook about contacting Tim from Dirtknap FX! Has masks that are made out of latex and 40+ years old, never rotten or worn down, still looks brand new! Some of these masks are not foam filled to, which surprised me :flushed:!

Do you know where the rot is? I can’t seem to see it in the pictures haha!

Sorry to hear that man!! I messaged you earlier on Facebook about contacting Tim from Dirtknap FX! Has masks that are made out of latex and 40+ years old, never rotten or worn down, still looks brand new! Some of these masks are not foam filled to, which surprised me :flushed:!

Do you know where the rot is? I can’t seem to see it in the pictures haha!

Awww man! It’s always disappointing to find our favorite masks aging. Your Butcher is a beast of a mask, too.

Oh man that sucks! I’m surprised that one is starting to rot already. I need to give my masks from that time frame a thorough check.

My NAG/JC H-78 is starting to rot as well. It still looks great, but can’t be worn. I’m sorry to hear this is happening to your Butcher, Michael. …ANDY

Aw man sorry to hear that. It still looks badass though!

Dude that sucks. I can see all of the cracking around the corners of the eyes and the bridge of the nose. That’s puzzling. Why has it started to crack already? That mask isn’t that old is it? Has it been kept in lousy temperature situations?

For what it’s worth though. A little liquid latex in those areas will fix that right up. You may not want to wear it anymore. But the mask will last pretty much for the rest of your life to a certain extent.

Thank you, guys, for the sympathy, suggestions and love!! :jack_o_lantern::orange_heart:

Sucks that it was cracking. It’s nice to see that Justin helped you out and offered to fix it. Hopefully he does and you can wear it again.

So sorry to hear that Michael! Glad Justin is gonna fix him up for you though buddy! :rock: That is a great mask :pumpkin: :smiley:

That is cool of Justin!! :rock:

Very cool of Justin to offer to fix him up for ya.

Thanks guys!!! Yeah, Justin is a Champion!!! :hocho::jack_o_lantern:

awesome mask and glad Justin is going to fix it up for you. can’t wait to see it when he’s done with it

Me too! Thank you!!

Hey Michael, Great to hear Justin is going to Fix up that Beautiful Butcher. Great Mask and even a Greater Creator!!! :rock: :rock: :rock: Bob

Thank you!!