The Creep Eyecuts


After looking at a lot of pictures of older and newer creeps, it seems that the older creeps generally have smaller and narrower eye cuts. Is this supposed to be with the way the mask is stuffed?

Each eye cut is going to be a little because each one is cut by hand, so there not all 100% the same. You just gotta find a copy with eye cuts that you like.

I messaged Justin a lot of times about how I want my eyecuts to be! Hopefully, it will be what I want :+1:t2:

According to Justin and many other artists being the Creep a Michael Myers sculpt, eyecuts are sculpted in, it’s not like the Shat or other Kirk masks that require a convertion, so eyecuts should all be the same but look different depending on how you stuff it, picture etc

The smaller cuts are more accurate. You can stretch them however you please.

Yeah the old masks had smaller cuts… and yes they are sculpted, so shouldn’t vary much. I think it’s due to a lot of requests for larger eye cuts by noobs who don’t know what eye cuts should look like. K-Man might know more.

Ok, I read a lot of posts on newer creeps, and people just received the standard creep. A lot of the eye cuts I see are a bit too big or just too big, and comparing to older creeps, they have much smaller ones than now.

I communicated with Justin and reminded him a lot of times how I want my eye cuts to look like, referring to the older creeps with the smaller eye cuts, and sent him a couple pictures for reference as well as hair and sculpt. Hopefully, he will get it down :+1:t2:

I also asked him about the eye cuts and he said that they are sculpted in, that means there’s no way he can vary the width of the eyes (unless he doesn’t want to)


I just see some variations on people’s newer creeps, one has bigger eye cuts compared to the others. It’s the older creeps that I find to be more consistent with the eye cuts.

I guess it can be that he’s rushing more, because of TOTs.


They are sculpted in but nowhere near the sculpting done on the Psychos. They vary heavily and it is best to let him know which scene you prefer as each Creep looks different. This is why I prefer the Shat, more wiggle room with the shape and size of the cuts

What’s the difference between the sculpting done on the psychos vs the creeps?

The Psycho eyecuts were sculpted in a way that nearly every single copy had identical cuts. They were a cast from a Kirk that already had specific eyecuts (well, the little brother of the NMM) which is why you see the left being slightly larger and pointed. The Creep you see much more variation. A NightOwl Shat has actual Kirk eyes so you could finish it however you want and adjust the eyecuts to your exact preference for a Myers mask

so the creep and shat are the same mask with different eye cuts?

I believe they are the same mask. The shat is just a blank, whereas the creep is a converted Myers mask.

Thanks, so the creep also has lineage to an original kirk just like the shat?

It should be, they are the same masks :+1:t2:

I have not heard back from Justin on getting a Shat Blank, etc… I already have a Creep, but I find the eye holes too large as well… IS there a way of “filling in” eye holes slightly to give the illusion of smaller eyes?
Eye Holes.jpg

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I respect your opinion, but the eyecuts look great on yours!

Thanks… Maybe I am totally over analyzing / thinking this…

I really like your eye cuts! Generally, the newer creeps have bigger eye cuts than the older creeps. I’m not sure why it changed, and Justin told me eye cuts are sculpted in, and there’s no way it changes.