The Definitive Guide to All Halloween 1-11 Masks, Boots, Coveralls, and Knives **PIC HEAVY**

My pair has the bumps, and that’s really the only thing I’ve done to them besides removing the tags. I think that might be what causes it.

Awesome, awesome. We have the same pair! Same tag and everything!


Be prepared with a lint roller and a small pair of scissors. I had to lint roll them to high hell after taking them out of the dryer, and I had to snip several stray threads. Loose threads like crazy. They looked beautiful when I was finished, though.

HeCameHome383, when you wash and dry clothing, the fabric is shrinking slightly while the stitching is staying in place, resulting in these little ruffling bumps. Yours will do the same when washed!

Thanks for the the info! I had no clue lol. I thought it was made like that

Just washed my pair today. You guys were right! Looks like I’ll have to wash them one or two more times to get the look I’m going for

Yes sir, your on your way :pumpkin:

The white satin mask used there for where to find the best parts to the halloween 2 costume is my white satin, great to see it used

Chris confirmed the screen used coveralls as Charcoal :slight_smile:

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Cha-ching :drinkers:

I will still go wait before i purchase even if its confirmed its charcoal because it all depends on how it looks in the movie. If in the entire film they look navy i prefer to have the navy ones since they would “technically” be more “screen accurate”. If they look charcoal the whole time i will get the charcoal and if they look both navy and charcoal throught the movie i will get charcoal. I would rather wait and see how they look in the final movie and then make my decision.

Here’s your proof in this behind the scenes pic alone
and the word from Chris who owns a screenused pair


There’s an obvious solution to this: Buy one in each colour. :laughing:

(I still think they’re charcoal)

I’d trust Zephro (who apparently has them in his office) over Mabry, who’s maybe seen them once or twice in person

Has it occurred to anyone that there’s a possibility he doesn’t own them? That they’re just in his office for production reasons? Just a thought

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Like i said previously i will just rather wait until the film is released. They might be charcoal in real life but if they look navy in the movie due to the type of filters or lighting used by the director of photography i would rather get the navy ones even if they are charcoal. It all depends on how they look on screen. Just my opinion i guess.

I figured the latter, but the way he said it makes it seem like they’re hung up and framed :laughing:

I would’ve bought both colors if I could’ve found a decent price!

The undershirt you have in the coveralls, is that a navy or grey shirt?