The Definitive Guide to All Halloween 1-11 Masks, Boots, Coveralls, and Knives **PIC HEAVY**

No problem, happy too help :smiley:

Me too man, this waiting is really starting to mess with me. :confused: I pre-ordered mine before August so hopefully TOTS will get it too me 3rd week of September. That would be nice :myers:

In case anyone still thinks they’re navy

This the perfect shot!

This is so incredibly helpful. Thank you so much for all that went into this amazing guide!

I’m glad you find it helpful! I’ll be updating it soon with new info :slight_smile:.

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Annndd here we are a month later :laughing: I’ve been accidentally putting this off because things have gotten crazy but the brand is in fact Sears Work N Leisures. Here are the comp pictures I did on my phone back when this conversation was fresh but I hadn’t gotten to posting them. Making anew thread too and updating the original post here!

Just as I suspected! Thank you for the comparison, great work finding these!

Hey for the H78 boots, they don’t have to be Altama, Altama was just probably one of the many makers of the boots during the war. Just Vibram sole Jungle Boots would be fine.

4 were Macs. Good find on the 5s. Worst movie ever made.

Correct and thank you. Woah now watch it, that’s one of my favorites :laughing:

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Thank you!

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Anyone have a link to the 2018 coveralls? Amazon shows 'Charcoal Gray" but they seem way to light colored! Thanks!!

They’re definitely grey, read through these last couple pages for some analysis :smiley:!

As for a link, I doubt anyone will have one. I think they are sold out through most retailers.

Not sure if this pic of Brad from Resurrection has been posted, but it’s a really good pic showing the charcoal in the coveralls

Wow!! Awesome!! I need to update that section with his information pertaining the coveralls.

Updated it, but not to Red Kaps. While Reds are definitely close, I think they are a different brand. The seams and stitching don’t match up. Doing some digging… Stay tuned!

Ooh, the plot thickens. Excited to see what you find!

Haha! I’m excited too! I hope I can find them, we’ll see tonight!

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Alright! I don’t have a WHOLE lot of time to look for the coveralls so I’m going to post an observation I made and hope that can lead others to maybe find the brand in their free time, as I will continue to do :slight_smile:.

When I look at the pockets closely I don’t see them rounded at all, I see them angled. Maybe it’s just my eyes and the way the fabric is going but I don’t think it is. Anyone have thoughts?