The Definitive Guide to All Halloween 1-11 Masks, Boots, Coveralls, and Knives **PIC HEAVY**

Dickies have those pockets, but their snap on the collar is lower

Hmm. Maybe an older version? Apparently Brad confirmed that they were dickies a while ago?

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I do think they are older coveralls, plus I was re-watching H4 and in this scene, I happened to notice that this knife has a stamp on the blade, I’m wondering if the Dexter knives have this on them too
Screen Shot 2018-08-19 at 10.58.36 pm.jpg
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Screen Shot 2018-08-19 at 10.58.48 pm.png

Regarding the Workrite UltraSoft Coveralls for Halloween 2018, I’m not seeing any 9.5 oz in stock, but a ton of 7 oz in stock. The pictures look identical to me. Is there a difference other than heavier material? Or would buying the 7 oz be basically the same?

You know what’s funny? I just recently bought some vintage big Macs to use for my Halloween for costume shots and then I was looking for a vintage Dexter but they all seemed too fat. I was wondering if maybe it was a different knife but I didn’t look into it. Excellent catch on the stamp! I’ve never seen that!!

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Edit- I think I’ve got a match. Posting comp pics soon!

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I have the 9.5 oz. I’ve seen pictures of people 7oz and they look identical. I don’t own the 7oz, so I can’t say for sure. They look pretty much the same to me

Looking forward to seeing what you found!

They look identical in the pictures, but I wanted to make sure! I think I’ll just go ahead and get the 7oz.

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I’m busy at the moment and haven’t done comp pics, but here’s what I found. I THINK it’s a JA HENCKELS. The stamp seems to match close. I haven’t found the stamp in an exact match just yet, but I think I’m honing I’m on it. I’m gonna reach out to a few H4 people to see if they A. Still have it or B. Remember the brand.

Will keep you updated!

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That’s a match to me, cause in the last shot, there are a couple letters that can be made out that math the stamp that is in your pics

What about these coveralls? Was hanging around @ebay, and came over this brand. Doesn’t look bad, but don’t think they ever came in any shade of green. Like the size on the collar

They would make great H1s! The only problems I (but literally no passer-by or casual fan) would see is that the flap should have no button closure, but instead he sewn at the sides, that and the snap on the collar should be a button/hole and not a snap closure. Nice find! Is there a brand or anything?

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Pointer Brand? Pretty obscure, I’ve never heard of those. They do look like they’d make pretty good 78’ coveralls.!77632!US!-1

Yes, Pointer Brand. They’re kept on since 1906, and are today making workwear and nice urban clothing.
I bought a similar one, but with worse pictures - but this ebay guy know how to sell stuff.

It has some good features I think, and of couse a few bad as you stated. Going to rock these with my 78’ for halloween!

Managed to find the rare shot of Warlock and Morga suited up and put this together
Warlock Morga.jpg

I found what I believe to be a very accurate pair of H1 coveralls, they are a pair of Ben Davis Coveralls.

Wow! Did not know ben davis offered coveralls. I am familiar with the brand (very popular with gang members) due to having friends from my childhood who wore them religiously but did not knpw about these. Definitely look good and the brand has a solid reputation.

Pocket flap is too large on that pair unfortunately

Are these any good? Trying to kickstart my costume here. haha