The Definitive Guide to All Halloween 1-11 Masks, Boots, Coveralls, and Knives **PIC HEAVY**

Shit, you’re right! My bad. I didn’t even look at the shoulder, just the color key beside it. My goal isn’t to change your mind or anything like that, I just am voicing my opinion like you. We all have that right :slight_smile:. It’s not that I don’t believe you, I’ve seen the video, Jimmy posted it a while ago. He says that the table cloth is too green. He says “soak it in grey and that’s closer to the color”, not that the tablecloth is color. The reason I take his statement of “Olivewood being too grey” with a grain of salt is because he doesn’t have a photo of what vintage Olivewood coveralls look like when making that statement. He is going off his mind’s depiction of what the very specific color of Olivewood looks like.

I talk to Tommy sometimes, I will send him an email with a photo and wait for a response. When I get one I’ll post it up :slight_smile:

Either way, it’s a shade of green and that’s what we know so far. I hope Tommy reveals that mystery soon.

Exactly! Plus we all want the same thing here, to know what the fuck these coveralls are and where the originals went! :laughing:

Should I get this Ghastly pro H4 mask for $100?

Up to you! If that’s what you think is accurate I say go for it man! If you like the mask don’t hesitate, lots of people let popularity or a mask get to them :rock:

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Watching Halloween 5 tonight, I got the idea in my head that the coveralls might have been dyed black. The color is so consistent on them, at least from what I can tell. I’m thinking specifically of that shot from behind Michael as he kills Tina. He’s very well lit there, and the coveralls look dyed to me. Opinions?

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I think it’s definitely possible. That or they were the dark grey version of Sears W&L’s?

Let me see if I can get a screenshot tonight. From memory, in that shot where he’s illuminated by the headlights after crashing the car, they have that typical “dark fabric, light threading” look of clothing that has been dyed.

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Excited to see it!! Here’s another good one

That is a good pic! There’s so much weathering on them you can’t see in the film; blood, dirt, etc.

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Right!! Especially that blood. I swear I never even knew it was on there until I saw that photo :laughing:

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Dark grey, undyed.

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For the 2018 coveralls. This is me wearing charcoal 9.5oz Workrites. I’m telling y’all, these so called “charcoal” coveralls have a definite blue shade to them, no dye necessary.

^Seconded (or is it thirty-seconded at this point?):

Unaltered Charcoal Workrites in daylight with different cameras/filters:

I think I’m about done touching some elements of this mask. I didn’t paint the entire thing, a friend of mine did and he made the mask. I’m just doing some nooks and crannies


Best thing to do is go with YOUR size. Measure your chest at the peak, round up to nearest even number and that will be your size along with the “R” for regular.


Maybe you should change the Brother’s return mask in the h20 section to the Brother’s return V2 since it’s way more accurate.

Definitely! I will try to get that done here soon. :drinkers: