The Definitive Guide to All Halloween 1-11 Masks, Boots, Coveralls, and Knives **PIC HEAVY**

Right? Breaks mah heart.

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Guess I’ll post this here as well.

Since I haven’t really found a place that ships internationally…
How’s this one from Sears??

No flap, no collar closure, squared pockets

For a generic look they’re okay, but if you’re going for H1 I’d go with reeds maybe some vintage Big Macs?

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So that is a no :stuck_out_tongue:

H1 would be great yes. I keep checking ebay. However finding Big Macs in tall size alone is a pain. Even more difficult when you want a specific color and someone willing to ship across the pond.

In that case, I would go with reeds my man! An excellent H1 substitute.

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I’ll just go with Reeds then. Thanks :smiley:

Holy frak, “TheGhostlyShape!” You have put together one of the best threads to ever be on this site. I’ve gone through these 36 pages until my eyes literally hurt. Thanks to you & everyone who has contributed. Amazing work! I’ve got my new Workrite coveralls out now & using pics used here as reference. Again, thanks!

TheGhostlyShape, Yeah man seriously, thank you so much for this. You tha real MVP.

Hey man! Thank you so much for the compliment :slight_smile:. It was definitely a lot work haha. I need to update a few things shortly :smiley:

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I bought a J.C Penny Big Mac coveralls green, im Lucky its my size:

That H2 looks perfect in the mirror shot!

Anyone know if they stopped producing the 2018 Michael Myers boots? The arctiv8 Men’s 6 inches Full-Grain Leather Work Boots. It’s a good thing I got a pair. It doesn’t seem like there making that exact version, to me anymore. There’s a similar pair, but not the screen accurate ones.

It wouldn’t surprise me. I’ve noticed a trend that when a movie uses an article of clothing or something like that it will go out of production pretty surely after.

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I wonder why, surely that would just increase sales right? Seems like nothing comes easy for us Myers fans :unamused:

Can the H2SM mask under H2 in the OP be corrected? The person producing them now is Rowland Kelly.

It sure can! On it after work :slight_smile:.

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Here’s some new pics

Wow, amazing!! Also I got a bunch of blu ray shots of the H4 knife logo. Narrowing it down tomorrow! And uploading them here :slight_smile:

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Thought I’d let you both know I identified the H4 knife after hours of sifting through photos :laughing: :laughing: I also have a huge H4 thread coming!!

Do you think that hero knife is 10” or 12”?