I really can’t tell what size it is. Sometimes it looks 12”. Namely, here:
But in other shots it looks 10”:
My mind says 10 but my hear says 12
I can’t help but think of Tyler Mane. Everyone thought his knife was a 10” but really it just looks small because of how massive he is. Tough choice for sure
That H6 photo has always made me chuckle
It’s possible they used both, definitely. I personally think it may be a 10” for the majority of what we see on screen. Even the “bloody knife promo” with the hero mask looks like a 10 inch, now that I look.
Here’s me holding my 12” at a similar angle and it looks way too big.
Thank you so much for putting this together in case I haven’t said it before. I seriously appreciate it and beers are in order if I ever see any of y’all at a convention.
I have no doubt there, what are we paying by the character now .
This is my Captain Kirk Mask I converted thanks to the help of this thread. I wouldn’t have had any idea where to start if it wasn’t for this thread. I just appreciate having all the info in one place and it makes life so much easier. My next one is going to be H20 Myers and RZ Myers as I’ve found myself oddly enjoying that one. Like seriously words cannot express how awesome this thread is and I can’t imagine what a pain in the ass it is trying to figure out specific brands of everything and what not .
Here’s some close up shots of the 2018 Halloween Michael Myers boots, and possible coverall snaps left on. In the first photo you can see the arctiv8 Logo on the side of the shoe. In the other photo you can see the little tongue flap on the front of the shoe. In the other photo when Michael puts on the mask I’ve circled what appears to me the snaps were left on the coveralls. I’ve also added my boots for comparison.
Here soon for the sake of accuracy,I will be narrowing the mask lists to mainly movie mold pieces, unless some sections like H4 or H5 only have a few movie mold options that don’t satisfy the tastes of all collectors