THE ENDING*spoilers*

I know. That ending was pretty horrible. It made me think alot, and made no sense at all. I hope she isnt the killer either.

I wouldn’t worry too much about it, they probably will ignore or alter how this film fits into the series. Good thing. :smiley:

I actually kind of liked it until the horse part at the end. That just made me mad. How is that scary? It seems like some kinda drug hallucination.

The mom in white and the horse were the visual device used to link Michael’s psychosis with Laurie’s emerging madness. Since Mike doesn’t speak it allowed you to follow his internal motivations as opposed to him being this killing machine. AS for becoming the killer, as if everyone’s motivation were to simply keep Halloween films churning out, I don’t think Laurie could ever escape as Michael did. It was the film’s way of showing her fate, which paralleled Micahel’s; an insane person.

I think they could always come up with something sensible on how she escapes…howabout Michael breaks her out?? then the two of them tag team haddonfield and Brackett basically becomes the new loomis character

personally, I didnt understand the ending AT ALL, i wasnt sure if she had killed michael, or what happened, and them cutting the cord on loomis was B.S. too. But i think RZ’s vision of Halloween is unique, Im not in love with them. but i respect him for busting his ass to make them. Also I Know this is off topic a bit, but i heard tht Someone is making a halloween 3, which has nothing to do with Rob Zombie or season of the witch, which is good. i cant wait to see what he brings to the table.

She Stabbed Michael, Loomis was dead and Laurie had gone officially nutso!

where do you live?!

so you mean to tell me this movie never came out in a theater in Kentucky!? odd.

If you watch the end credits to H2 there is a montage of black and white photos of all the Myers kills, from the kid in RZH1 to H2. Michael Myers is the last photo shown, I’m certain RZ’s intention was to have him dead (he was impaled you know :open_mouth: ).

But the other Halloween movies were following the tradition of 80’s horror flicks that thrived on cheap storytelling and continuous sequels. I don’t think RZ operated in that space. H2 was not set in bad horror flick cliches. And again I point to the end credits and Michael’s death shot among the others. In RZ’s version, Mike is most definitely post mortem.

I understand that, but Thats not to say they cant bring him back. I who love the Zombieverse, wouldnt mind if they bring him back, he is the anchor of the series. I think it would be an interesting twist to have two killers.

“They,” meaning the company that own the Myers character, can certainly do anything they want. And it appears they are as H3D would have to be a reboot. As for the director and story of RZH1- H2 Myers is dead, and Angel/Laurie has been committed because of her insanity. I doubt she’s locked up because she helped finish off the serial killer who dispatched almost everyone in her life she ever cared about.

To go on would be pointless. But to take these same characters and start over to generate more sequels and more money is another matter, but to my way of thinking, that’s all it would be; not better, just more. Sure it could be decent but considering the origins of this next movie I’m not the least bit interested. I wanted what we were given with Carpenter’s original, a tight, well thought out story. I believe we got that with H2 which began with an intent to tell a compelling story. H3D wants to make the money they thought H2 would generate. It was interesting to read RZ’s comments about that type of thought process in horror movie making in his Revolver interview.

so 5 was good in your opinion?!

Hobo Myers, I get what you are saying, but i still think there could be an interesting way to continue the zombieverse story without doing it to cash in. I rather like the world he has set up I for one am still interested in the characters of Laurie and Brackett.

yea i downloaded it, (legally) the quality is…so so but its still good.

you are, its just that opinion is odd seeing how most people and everyone involved in that film hate it.

Halloween is the story of Michael Myers and RZ has completed that arc, at the end of six shafts of rebarb!! :open_mouth: Seeing how even Mike’s escape was dependent on him pulling a HULK SMASH I don’t see Laurie ever getting out of her box, physically and mentally. Plus, it was such a good horror flick down ending I’d hate to tamper with it. We never know exactly what happens with Laurie next but we know it’s not good, and I like that.

H3D is going to be there for cheap, “gotcha” scares and for that you need the big guy in the mask. It will be a Hulk-like reboot IMO which is fine, makes it easier to ignore. I know I come off as hostile to H3D but it still seems such a slap in the face to H2 and those who enjoyed it. But for those who just want more Myers action I’m sure it’s a glimmer of hope, which is fine. And as for the other Halloween sequels being not that bad, I guess that seems little compensation when H2, IMO, was really that good. :mrgreen:

I thought Danielle Harris always seemed like she enjoyed doing it.

I bet she does… :wink: :laughing: :rolleyes:

I really enjoyed this film…The beauty of what RZ pulled off with H2 was that the main victim didnt just “walk away” unscathed from all the horrific events in the first film. you see that so many times in horror film sequels to the point that its insulting now. here you have laurie, living a seemingly perfect teenage life with loving parents in “Pleasentville, USA”… whose thrown into a night of terror by being pursued by a psychopath who in turn murders her family and closest friends…and subsequently going through the act of brutally shooting another person to death. imagine all of that stuff happening to you, but never understanding WHY…the girl in all actuality would be a complete basket case having indured all of that. i thought zombie and taylor-compton conveyed that beautifully…her staggering down the street in shock, the ape-shit crazy admission sequence in the hospital, the councelling sessions, the guilt, and all the horrendous flashbacks she had throughout the film.

I also loved the connection between Michael and Laurie…yeah, it was surreal in a music video sense, but i really appreciated what RZ was telling with his masterful imagery. I truly felt that as a result of all the shock and trauma Laurie had gone through after the events of the first RZ film…that she was definitely living with the manifestation of her own insanity. In the first RZ Halloween film we see Michael’s insanity established though years of mental abuse and isolation which lead to his rage, blood lust, and detachment…laurie’s insanity came as a direct result from surviving the brutal horrors and having to live with the effects thereafter in her own mind.

i believe the ending of was intentionally vague…at least thats how i felt after i left the theatre.

the only thing i left out of there knowing full well was that Loomis was indeed dead and that Laurie was obviously commited…and rightly so.

the only thing i left out of there knowing full well was that Loomis was indeed dead and that Laurie was obviously commited…and rightly so.

Oh, Loomis is dead alright. Not only is his corpse shown with massive gashes in his head, face, and body but his death photo is next to last during the end credits (just before Michael’s). Isn’t it crazy how in the sequel mad movie buisness we’re all trained to not accept a character’s death anymore? :astonished: Martin Scorsese once noted that many people asked him if the Max Cady character (DeNiro) was actually dead at the end of Cape Fear, “You never see a dead body,” they said. He couldn’t believe people thought Cady survived and found their predilection toward “sequel-think” funny.

You made some great points in your post by the way, I completely agree.

Well when he was impaled the spike went through the back of his neck and out the front. Michael is dead in zombies version.