Alright,I was starting to believed I was doomed to never possess one of these H1 Clown’s.Getting screwed by Josh,and still no word on my #9 from jo.So,I saw Mike(AHG) put his copy up in the classifieds and I jumped on it lightning-fast.It is #4 and it is so unbelievable.As accurate as can be.I am truly relieved to have this over with and I can enjoy having one of these in my collection finally.I always wanted one of these,since I started collecting.To me,this was the mask that started it all.It is the first visible mask in the original Halloween and it is the mask Michael wore when that switch flipped in his mind.It was the beginning of Michael Myers as the Shape.To me,my collection would never be complete without an accurate H1 Clown and I now feel that I have a staple in my collection,something I would never part with.It is a great feeling and I want to thank Mike again for the opportunity and another great,smooth deal.

My wife has the perfect color hair to pull this off and it fits her nicely

I own #3 and love it…I did however have to put another band on it, because it was too tight for my head. Other than that, its a great piece of ART!

That is probably the best clown replica out there :sunglasses:
It really has a killer paint job :rock:
Congrats Randy!!

Woah, looks great on your wife man! Now you can both go as Myers on HalloweeN! Congrats dude!


great score bro
I really should pick one of these up somewhere sometime

where can i find this mask? is there a website thanks…

awesome mask. i really want one! :smiley:

WOW! That thing is off the hook AMAZING!
What happened with Jo and his run of other pieces? I was really forward to picking one of these up.
Regardless, that is a thing of beauty. Congrats!

Glad to see you get one Randy, it’s a great piece. I have #5 of this one and one of Nils’ H1 clowns. Neither is dead on but both have some very cool features and definitely worthy of being added to any serious Myers’ collection!

Love the shot of you picking up the mask man, awesome!

Pretty cool. However, the nose doesn’t appear to be long enough. Maybe it’s in these pics but I thought the original nose in the 1978 film was quite a bit bigger.

It’s the pictures angles.The nose sticks out FAR.Probably a solid 3 inches?

Great looking mask! I know what you mean about the “doomed to never possess one” feeling. I was also screwed over by Josh, and now it appears that Jo has disappeared as well. At least he didn’t take the money in advance. Anyway, congrats on finally owning the elusive clown mask. :wink:

I agree Billy. I am not bashing the piece (it’s very good and I own one!) but it isn’t completely screen accurate by any means.

The nose needs to be another 1 1/2" inches longer in my opinion and the nose on the mask used in Halloween appears to be attached, not a piece molded in.

Here is the nose on the screen used and of my copy of Jo’s H1 clown at a similar angle. Note the distance of the end of the nose (the “ball”) from the face. The “bridge” of the nose on the screen used is longer than that of the replica by a good 1 1/2" I think.

thats nice i wish i had one

Nice! That’s a sweet addition to any collection :rock:
Jay Muzz

Randy…thats a KILLER mask bro! holy smoke! awesome. congrats. You’re 100% right…its the mask that started it all. Beautiful score bro!

Even though it might not be screen accurate, it’s still an awesome piece and gets the point across.