A big Thanks to Josh for hooking me up with these 2 impressive figures.
The Loomis a AMAZING! Taking nothing away from Michael at all. The details are crazy.
I would recommend picking one up from him. Great guy and fantastic figures.
Dang man, those are very NICE!!!
Man, oh man… those are too cool for school, Shane. Congrats!
even teh tips of the boots are beat up great stuff
Very cool!!
those are fantastic! custom made??
Loomis didn’t carry a .357
Seriously, cool scores man! Looks like Donald.
Trust Mikey to bring a knife to a gunfight.
Those are great lookin’ figures!! They’re from DarkArtist right? He does amazing work.
AWESOME! Glad you got them in safely bro! And yeah, Loomis pistol was always the hardest thing to source… this gun was the closest thing I have found yet, it does the trick for now.
And for those who are interested, I did relist these two in my Horrorbid store… I’m working on them right now in fact, doing groups of 5… finishing the heads so nobody has to wait very long for a figure. The money that gets paid only goes to clothing and shipment.
And dude, if the jacket doesn’t want to sit right… I’ve heard some of my customers say that removing the inner jacket helps it look better.
Cool score.
Great score mr.crisp
Wow! Those look great together! I love them
Jay Muzz
Congrats Shane
Josh does incredible work
Thanks guys. The pics didn’t turn out great, but the figures are awesome. Thanks again Josh.