The shape hunts Allyson

Who else here loved this theme as much as I did? It’s incredible! The tension this theme holds is unreal. I wish they would have used it several more times in the film. By the way, this theme would work great if put over the h1 chase scene across the street.

YES!!! Best part of the movie seriously!!! I wish it would have gone on longer honestly!

Easily my favorite track in the entire franchise now.

Best track in the movie, loved it.

I loved that theme too! Just wish the scene was longer and didn’t feel so rushed :unamused:

I love that track!

Amazing track, wasted on a short scene that built zero suspense and absolutely should have.

So many disappointing things about this movie that make you think, “how didn’t they do more of a, b, c and less of x, y, z?”

5-10 different creative decisions take this movie from average to legendary and they blew it with each and every one of them.

Yeah that’s definitely an issue with the movie. If they cranked it up to 2 hours flat, this would’ve been an all-around superior movie. But I still love it.

The same goes for me! It has more Halloween vibes out of all the themes.

This ^

Absolutely the best track on the new score!

I listen to it often. Great scene, but agree that it was short. And we didn’t even see the moment when she found safety. Weirdly rushed scene.

easily the best score on the soundtrack! Wish they could have used it longer, and even maybe on a different scene. BTW, is it just me or does the soundtrack version sound a tad different from the version showed in the movie?

It is different. Different timing. Just cut weird in the movie to fit in the rushed scene

100000% agree. This scene got me all hyped then it was over in 2 seconds and I was like “ummmm…”

But that being said, hands down my favorite track!!

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