"THE SHAT" . . . . . . . . . HalloweeN II

I constantly have people asking me what my opinion is on the Nightowl SHAT as an H2… well as you can see in the pics, it makes a craaazy good pt.2 mask! This one is for my buddy Jeff, and I honestly wish I could keep it for myself! I will most likely have it with me this weekend in Orlando with a couple more. Jeff wanted a total H2 look from this one… worn eye cuts, very grungy, and some new hair I am trying. Everything turned out perfect with this one, and I hope to have many more of these H2 SHATs to do in the future! :rock:

Thanks for giving it a look,

All i can say is WOW!!!

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Lookin good! :rock:

Pure craziness! :prayer: :rock:


If a picture is worth a thousand words you just wrote a novel!

The SHAT is no joke and this thing turned out great!

Sick sick job!!! Love it!!

Jon N.

Sissy is rocking it. Man that thing is cool. Very h2. Love that hair and flesh as always.

Incredible! :open_mouth: Nobody does conversions like you, James. The weathering looks natural and the hair always looks aged. 'Another wicked Shat, buddy. :rock:

That finish makes me go…YOWZA

One of the best Shat’s I’ve seen from you, James. Great work.

This SHAT is nuts!!! It has the perfect amount of flesh around the neck and ears, and the weathering around the eyes, nose, and lips looks so natural. Man, that hair is beautiful. I might need some of that on top of my H2. :rock:

W :open_mouth: W
That answers that question. That is one Bas Ass H2. Jeff is very lucky :drinkers:

PERFECT. Not much else to say other than awesome job James! :rock: :rock: :rock:

Yes sir, THAT Jeff is VERY lucky! <<< Me! James, these pics are killing me and I can’t wait to see it in person this weekend, man! How about some more pics?! You guys here’s a bit of trivia about this mask? I said James, go for it! FULL, H2 gritty, fleshy, ROUGH, full, and I mean, full OUT. Make an H2 that you’re gonna have an EXTREMELY hard time letting go of … and THAT’LL be the mask that I WANT! Same with my ghoulish H1 SHAT! And he done did em up big-time for me! More pics please!!! Stat with the SHAT!

Looks killer, James!


Looks fantastic, James! Yes… I agree, the Shat makes for an INSANE H-2, and I absolutely love my copy! Again, Sick work on this guy, Mr. Carter…

Congrats, Jeff! …ANDY

Nice H2 1981


INCREDIBLE! :rock: :rock: :rock: :rock: :rock: Boob

Perfect H2 Shat in every way imaginable James! :open_mouth: Wow that is VERY impressive :rock: Great job buddy!

Good god James, this is freekin nuts brother. A gorgeous H2 that is beyond awesome!!
The SHAT is unstoppable in your hands. Added to my list.
