The Warlock's origin????

This is a question that ive been meaning to ask since the warlock was in its grace period when i joined up. What did the warlock derive from. Was its base a shatner lifecast or was it sculpted ground up?


to my understanding it was a retool of the nmm78 or a nemmi that CGP used to offer.

A slight retool of a NMM78 stuffed wide.

i heard it was the same mask from the original but looked different becaus of warlocks features. i heard the tanish color comes from the white spray paint wearing off aswell as from nicotine stains from being kept under a bed in debra hills home. ive also heard the hair changed color do to the spraypaint wearing off and it being dyed for the ben tramer scene, the tramer mask is also rumored to be the same one. these rumors probably arent correct, they are just crap ive heard :axe: :axe: :butthead:

Ummm… the CPG mask… “Warlock”… Not the real thing. :laughing:

It’s a recasted NM78 that was stuffed. If you don’t believe that, take a NM78 and stuff it. There’s nothing like visual aides.

It also resembles the Nemesis a little too closely as well lol.

I have to highly disagree. I have a Nemi and I see a big difference between the two when the Nemi is stretched or unstretched.

I was always told Terry got ahold of one of my 75 Kirk blanks and he made the 'Warlock ’ from that. How he got one, I have no clue because I don’t even have one.

Also, Debra Hill did not smoke, the yellowness to the original Halloween mask was from the spray paint sealant going bad. Much like mask rust.

So he made it from a blank 75 kirk? lol