Well ya know I got to thinking, if it is true that the same mask was used in H2 that was worn by Castle in H1 then why can’t I get the same look with my Kirk condversion. I put on a full head knit mask for the H2 look, and to get the effect that Castles fro-doo had on the mask I put a sock cap on. Here’s my H1-H2 dual purpose UL75 Kirk
I have the Ul75. It was my first ‘accurate’ mask. And yes it does pull off both looks well.
But thats kinda the point. A good replica of the 75 kirk should make a great H1 and H2 mask.
Have a look in the gallery, Nmm78 probs pulls this off the best.
I sold my NMM78 because I didn’t think it had as good of an H1 look as the NAG Kirk conversion. Although the NMM78 is a nice mask. I just like the NAG UL better.
i still dont believe that the same masks was used in h1 & h2 … there were like 4 or more people who played myers is h1 and only warlock changed the shape of the mask … i dont think so … tommy lee’s head is way bigger then warlocks … dont know if this is where this thread was going but it just always eats me up when i think about it
According to John Carpenter himself it was, so if you doubt him…well I don’t know what to say, The man himself said it. At the seminar I attended in 1983 he was asked that very question and the answer was YES it is the same mask. There were three used in H1 but he did not say which one of the three used in H1 was used in H2 but one was for sure. Sorry but ya can’t doubt what the man himself said. Besides that’s a well known fact and has been a well known fact for a long time. I guess you can believe what you want to though.
theres no way to say thats a fact you have to prove something to call it a fact hear say does not make something a fact and it does not matter who you heard it from the only way to prove it would be to put it on castle then put it on warlock and thats leaving out tommy lee tony moran jim winburn JC & whoever else to see if the shape changes just because he said thats it does not make it true or a fact but i knew all that already but i just dont believe it sorry you feel so strong about it i just dont believe it … the thing that makes me think this is if you went with the same mask because you wanted the same look why would they change the hair
Ron is right, no doubt about that, a member here (puckface I think) had a breakfast with the man himself Dick Warlock and Mr Warlock confirmed him that the mask was also the one used in H1… you can’t get a better proof
i would love to believe this but instead of everyone saying this person said it or it has the same detail why dont someone tell me how 5 or more people played myers in H1 and the mask only changed when dick warlock wore it in H2 if someone could explain that i may believe it but i really dont care about this anymore its been talked about for years but thanks for your input