Those H78's

Are getting dirt cheap in classifieds and ebay and such…What’s the cheapest you have seen one? I have seen $150 and alittle less…Half the price of retail! I still have not picked one up yet though and prob won’t lol.

yeah masks in general are going very cheap. if a person has the funds to play with its a great time to be getting into mask collecting.
there are some steals in the classifieds as we speak :open_mouth:

Yeah, I just bought one for $250.

H78’s are selling for cheap because the market is flooded with them. Warlocks used to hold their value until Terry saturated the market. Added H78’s are not a hot commodity with high end collectors like they used to be so that has helped the market. Rare high end limited quanity pieces like DB’s and Kh’s have been relatively unaffected by the economic slump.

I agree with Kris…
Flooded indeed…
However, its about copies as well. Some copies stand out way more than others.
Certain copies hold much more value.
Its amazing how this mask can look so different copy, to copy…
See Ya,

Yeah I hate to say it…those that are actually going for that cheap are not the best looking copys. I did notice the price being that low but i havnt seen that kind of price on a excellent h78 copy.