Those who have had their mask overhauled by an artist. What was the turnaround time?

I bought my TOTS Halloween 2018 mask right around September of 2018, about a month before the movie came out. Once the new Halloween movie came out I was immediately excited to have a re-haul done on it so I could get it more movie accurate. I have never had a rehaul done, so the experience was all new to me. So I did a little research mainly by looking on Instagram and on here for possible suggestions. At the time, there were a handful of artist that I was familiar with, and I went with who I thought was the one who would give me the look I was really going for.

I sent my mask to the artist the second week of November. I sent an email to them last week and they told me they are behind and couldn’t give me a date on when I could expect the mask. Is this pretty much the same time everyone else has had to wait (3 months for now, maybe longer). Not complaining, I am just wanting to make sure this is a normal wait time since I have never had a mask overhauled before. Thanks again

Man it sounds to me like you might not be getting the mask back. Three months later and still no estimate? Something sounds off.

in my experience some of these guys get backed up especially if they are really good or sought after, sometimes these waits could go months. As long as they are communicating with you I would give it a little while.

Thanks man. That’s what I was thinking, too. He sounds to be really busy, so I just have to continuing being patient. I am just really excited to get it back so I can proudly display it. It’s a guy here in the states (USA).

Going through the same thing rn with a h40 I sent to get rehauled

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Who’s the artist? Guy name Ryan T.?

No I sent mine to someone named Erik Hamilton

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Oh I know him. Or know of him. I sent mine to Jimmyhere on the forums

I’d ask customers of his. I’ve seen his work posted but never talked to an actual customer. Every artist has a different turnaround time but November to now is 4 months and a long time to wait for a conversion that isn’t coming from a bigger artist. Hopefully he just got backed up and bit off more than he could chew

I didn’t want to post the name, only because I wanted to give him the benefit of the doubt. He will respond to me when I message him, but it’s usually pretty short and vague. Since I sent my mask to him in November, I have only messaged him twice. Once in January to ask how it’s coming along, and then about a week ago to ask the same question. Both times he simply states he is a bit behind and can’t give me an exact date. It’s none of the artist name above, but I have seen his work posted in here. I remember being on the fence at the time when I was thinking about sending it out. For this reason only. I had been wanting a CREEP mask but I wasn’t sure if I had the patience to wait the 6 months some where telling me it would take. Now if I were to do it all over again, knowing how long the conversion was going to take, I would have just purchased the CREEP. At least with the Creep I have some type of general idea on the wait time. With this one, I have absolutely no clue when to expect it.

Message me on ig

If I am not mistaken he has said on his IG multiple times that he has moved and has no wifi at the moment unless he is at work. He is working on masks but the communication is cut short at the moment. he is a great guy IMO and has a good turn around time.

none of the artist mentioned above is the artist I shipped my mask to. The guy I shipped my mask to seems to be a good guy for sure. I just thought I would post here and ask others what their experience wait time was, since it was my first time sending off a mask for a re-haul. I am sure he is working on it, sounds like he just got busy.