Title says it all. 20 aud less than a blank I was thinking of getting, and this one’s already done up. It looks a little different in each pic, I can’t tell if it’s the actual shape of the mask of because of a short stand. https://www.etsy.com/au/listing/644840249/michael-myers-hand-painted-halloween?ga_order=price_asc&ga_search_type=all&ga_view_type=gallery&ga_search_query=Michael+Myers+Mask&ref=sr_gallery-4-9&organic_search_click=1&cas=1
No No No !!!
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Its a super cheap and bad representation of myers from 2018. If you like it go for it, Me personally would not waste my money. Its $30 so for another $30 you can get the TOTS mask and that will be far better.
Please No! Looks like the Chinese rip offs on eBay. General is right if your on a budget go with a tots!
It’s a Chinese mask. I thought you used this mask in a thread you made about a week ago that you aged up pretty good
No this one’s apparently hand made or some such bullshit. The only reason I’m asking is coz I can’t tell if it looks bad bc of the mold or a lack of stand. But yeah, thanks.
That mask is awful.