Anyone else feel that Tom morga should have been Michael the whole entire time of Halloween 4 and they could have chosen Michael Lerner for the producer’s cut of Halloween 6. With no disrespect to George p. Wilbur he was good for what they had but I always felt that he was too stocky to be Myers plus he looks funny with the way he walks.
I would have to agree, it would have been interesting to see how Morga’s Myers would have been like in H4. Also agree that Michael should not be stocky, but apparently that’s what Akkad wanted. Supposedly he kept saying “give me JASON” when discussing how Michael should look in H4, something I totally disagree with. But of course F13 was super popular at the time, so I can understand where he was coming from, but that just isn’t who Myers is.
I would love to have seen Tom morga as Michael, he did a great job in Friday the 13th V.
Im not sure a bout michael lerner, I thought he moved way too fast, same as dan bradley in Friday 6
There’s a clip in the tunnel chase after the operating theatre scene where Michael is practically running in the long shots, intercut with close-ups of him just striding. Looks very weird.
Funny story, I actually ran into Michael Lerner up in Lake Tahoe back in 2012 at a casino. I was at a show at the ballroom and stepped outside into the main casino area to smoke a cigar. Started randomly talking to this guy and the subject came up about what we did for a living etc.
Said he had done some film work and I asked him which films, to which of course he mentioned Halloween 6. My jaw hit the floor. Told him I was a HUGE Myers fan and the conversation just took off from there. He told me had improvised the part in the beginning when Michael throws Jamie onto the tractor shredder thing and she extends her arms and he also extends his arms, only to shove her down onto the blades even further. It was a really cool experience to have met him!
That was really just a small blip though, Lerner did a good job otherwise, thought his arms were a bit stiff in some walking scenes as he waqs moving with clenched fists. I’d blame the direction and editing more for leaving that in and necessitating that movement pace.
As to George Wilbur in H4 he wasn’t padded up in all the scenes, just a select amount, again a problem with others aside from him. I thought Wilbur, Lerner, and Morga all did good jobs.