I’m going to try my best to get something signed by Tony Moran. For sure a HALLOWEEN DVD. But I was thinking, I have a DP08 sitting in my closet. Maybe I could get that signed as well. If that happens, anyone want it? I’d be willing to trade. :wink:

Just let me know what you’d want to trade.

No guarantees that I’ll be able to get the mask autographed (If I do it’ll be on the inside of the mask). But if I do, then I’d be willing to trade for anything that might catch my interest. Just depends on what you’re willing to trade for it.

I bet Tony will still be hung over from Monster Mania!

3 things:

  1. Hahahaha!!! :laughing: —> At the Tony comment.

  2. Jason, I’m glad to see you put up the Fish Hat pic. It’s righteous on so many levels. :mrgreen:

  3. Here is a pic of Tony last weekend at monster-mania 13. I had him sign one of my 11x17 Art Mark paintings.

Okay… Good news and bad news that results in good news.

Good news is… Ari Lehman is one bad ass guy! He was so cool. My buddy Paul and I were there about an hour and a half before the “Zombie Walk” thing (There was a guy dressed as “zombie Michael Jackson” from THRILLER) and we found Ari (He wanted $20 for his handiwork but it was SOOOO worth it). Since we were the only ones there at the time we got into an hour long conversation with Ari where he was telling us all kinds of things, as well as some things that I probably should not mention regarding Jason and Mother :wink: . But he was like, “You know, you guys are the only one’s here right now so you’re getting more stuff then everyone else and the longer you stay the more stuff you get.” We talked about everything F13 related and joked about things in the remake like the “Dock Kill” which we all decided was done as one extra tit shot, the black guy masturbating to a Penny’s catalog or whatever, the fact that Jason rigged the sleeping bag over the fire in 15 seconds, there’s a WOODCHIPPER RIGHT THERE so hmm… let’s drag him down to the lake, which was Ari’s biggest qualm with the movie. Though we all agreed that we thought Derek Mears did a great Jason.

Paul brought a NECA hock that I had completely overhauled for him for a “when-it-was-new” part 3 twist and I brought my F13 part 1 DVD. We left with all that signed, on the hock “Paul, Jason is watching! Ari Lehman Jason 1”, on the DVD “Anthony, Jason never dies! Ari Lehman JASON 1”, he gave us two CD’s one for me one for Paul which I am about to listen to because I’m very curious, a couple “business cards” and some behind the scenes photographs and screenshots, all signed.

BTW… for those of you wondering what he was wearing when he jumped out of the lake, he says it was very cold in a jock strap and sandels and that he was jumping onto Adrienne more for warmth than anything. lol

Now the BAD NEWS…

Tony Moran will be there TOMORROW NIGHT when I’M WORKING!!! Goddammit

Which leads into the good news.

A girl who works at the drafthouse was willing to get my HALLOWEEN DVD signed for me and then drop it off when I’m at work on Saturday (cuz she knows where I work). And it was because of this girl that I knew about this whole thing and because of her I had the most awesome conversation with Ari. The way I met her and found out about this was that she came into my Party City looking for a Myers mask so she could take pics of Tony with it etc. And she told me about this thing and we didn’t have the mask in stock. So when I went to the drafthouse and saw that Tony wasn’t there, I saw her and asked her to get my DVD signed, and because she wanted a mask so bad I decided that it would only be fair of me to let her have the DP08.

SORRY GUYS, I had a weak moment. But in the end I get what I want and she gets what she wants and I was in the mood to be Mr. Nice Guy. lol

“Anthony, Trick or Treat, Tony S. Moran, Michael Myers ‘H1’”

“Anthony, Jason Never Dies, Ari Lehman, Jason 1”

“Anthony, Jason is watching! Ari Lehman, Jason 1”

awesome scores man…very cool!

i just love how they screw up on this website introducing Tony as Michael - surprised nobody picked up on it

Tony Moran
(Michael Meyers of Halloween #1 - The real Michael Meyers)

My only question is who the hell is Michael Meyers? The Rea;l Meyers :laughing:

I know Michael Myers but not Michael Meyers :unamused:

Haha… . You’re right. THAT and also the Michael Pic that pops up when you move the cursor over it isn’t even him… It’s Don-freakin’-Shanks! lol

anybody else think Ari looks like the 5th musketeer? LOL

haha… he did! lol