
Took some updated worns now that my coveralls are complete. Wild’d up the hair on this mask as much as I was able without physically pulling too much of it out. I also put on my best George P. Wilbur stance, I call it the shoulders out slag arm stance. :laughing:

looks good.

I will never get used to pics of Myers holding a cell phone. Lol

(pst,…that’s why there’s a timer built into the camera)

Nice part 6 costume!

That’s kick ass man! I really like how the mask turned out the tots sculpt looks great with a good rehaul

I don’t think that’s actually Michael Myers, he’s just showing off his outfit.

Great outfit btw!

Looks great, man.

I’ll have some non selfie worns soon.

idk what Myers is going to do in a couple weeks when he gets out of jail/asylum. How’s he going to strangle a babysitter when phones don’t have cords?

…he’ll probably just tear her head off.

Awesome H6 setup!