TOTS 2018 “Trunk Scene” version

Hey guys, I recently sent my 2018 Myers mask to a friend for a rehaul. He stripped the mask entirely for the repaint and did a full re-hair. I requested that he paint it to resemble the scene where Michael first puts on his mask after finding it in the trunk. Hope you guys enjoy!

Note: this artist has asked to remain anonymous for personal reasons.

I like. I just ordered a second h40 off of ebay. Gonna send it off to remzap

The original paint takes away from the detail of the mask

Fuck that’s gorgeous… props to the anonymous artist

Looks great man. He did an excellent job of making all those little details pop

I know exactly who did this mask as he posted one your pics on one his sites. He does incredible work. Glad to see more angles here. Excellent.

I know who this is, and he does great work. I spoke to him briefly before I sent mine out. Congrats on the score, phenomenal piece!

He does great work :ok_hand:t2:

Glad to hear you got a place in line :metal: you’ll love it

Yes indeed. He puts a lot of effort the little details. That’s where it shines

Definitely. The sculpt is great, you just gotta bring it out with the right paint

I’d have to agree :wink:

[quote=MyersVictims post_id=1158905 time=1553093134 user_id=20223]
Looks amazing. :jack_o_lantern::hocho:

Hell yeah :metal:

Holy crap it came put really nice man :jack_o_lantern::jack_o_lantern::jack_o_lantern:

Looks like it’s from Ryan Treuhaft. Could be wrong

Looks amazing!!!


Oh no, I am saying before I sent it to another, I spoke to him. My apologies, haha. He is a great artist, but mine had to be stripped, about 30% was left. So, I sent it elsewhere. No matter, he is still a fantastic artist, and he wasn’t hard to talk to either IMO.