TOTS 78 finished by Justin Mabry

Pics from Monsterpalooza this past weekend: a TOTS 78 painted, haired, and finished by the man himself, Justin Mabry. Really enjoy this, getting Thrasher vibes (but definitely an original sculpt) I feel like these pics give a good approximation about how rehauled factory copies will look, with completely new hair and paint. Photos from Mabry’s Instagram

Man, I am digging that! Looks WAY better than the previous images of this mask.

looks so damn good!

I posted a few months ago that I was thinking about attending this event for the first time. I mentioned my real reason was because I just got into mask collecting (Myers only) and I was wondering if Justin or anyone else would be selling a high quality Michael masks. Some said they were not sure. I ended up missing out. Did Justin in fact have some of his high end mask (Michael Myers) for sale?

Looks great!

It would be nice to see it worn

I like it!

I swear I remember seeing a photo of it worn

imagine having an option like this in the 80’s for 60 bucks. damn!

Imagine having a Kirk for $20 in the 70s! haha :laughing:

Looks pretty damn good!

This copy looks great! :rock:

Justin did a beautiful job on this one.

looks good, but still this is not how the mass produced copy will look if I understood correctly

The sculpt just isn’t doing it for me anymore. I can see how people like it, but I just…nah. Good paintwork though

lmao so true.

Mabry in the mask!

Nice shots there, but there’s something off about the hair, at least in those shots. I’m getting a mullet vibe :confused:

Good face bad hairline

yeah hair just looks too steamy, almost afroish