Hey, I respect your opinion and beyond that, your right to say whatever you want wherever you want.
I will admit bias as far as sentiment and nostalgia to this hobby. I know now (especially with the futuristic format) it seems like any other website here. But basically between 2000-2005 it was a scramble for accuracy.
I was actually a fan of the original “Samhain” mask. It was definitely maniacal and not the real look, but everybody was hyped up. 5 years later, though Nightowl, Justin Mabry released the “Psycho” which was a mask casted directly from a 1975 Don Post Captain Kirk. But the eyecuts were exactly the same as the mask used to create the sculpt.
Also, please realize I’m not arguing latex quality. I’ve called all mass produced masks “claytex” and have seen the anomalies. Some masks are standing strong a decade later while some turn to goop in 2 years.
Anyway, fast forward from the Psycho to the Nightowl Shat. Justin released a sculpt that still holds up to this day. Obviously I’m an idiot overall and prefer independently made masks (latex is made from trees, as good as it may be; it cannot live forever)
Anyway, I have over a dozen masks from 2005-2007 that feel like butter. So the $350 masks are definitely much better quality. My ADHD took over and I wanted to give history to anyone who cares. My point is, the NO Shat was a canvas with 1975 lineage, and was a pure Kirk mask. The NO Creep is the same exact sculpt with Myers eye cuts. This baffled most of us.
The aforementioned sculpts are now available to the entire world. You can pay $60 for a Trick-or-Treat Studios Kirk (maybe $120 ya might need 2), go on YT, and literally recreate the exact mask from the original film. That wasn’t even a thought back in the day.
My biggest point is this:
Imagine if we had a literal DIRECT mask from Halloween 1978? Not just lineage; the exact mask. There would be no need for the 50+ sculpts that have been created. Hell, Terry the degenerate Lambert even took a Nightowl Psycho, stretched it horizontally, and called it the “Warlock”
In 2018 we were offered a DIRECT casting from the film. The exact sculpt. Do I wish I could pay more for a copy of higher quality, hand painted? 100%. But figure $350. That’s 5 of the H40 masks. Basucally all it comes down to for me is we’ve become spoiled. People who remember those Paper Magic days reqlly appreciate Justin. He offers the best possible masks for under $70 directly from horror films. Even the H4 has direct lineage. And to end the rant; a mask that has nothing to do with this. From 2006 still standing strong Nightowl Lunatic prototype (Trick-or-Treat Studios H2 mask)