Decided to make a proper thread about my latest work, here’s the Don Post, I love the small size!
Started converting it straight away!
Day 2:
Now I’m waiting for the glue to settle, tomorrow I’ll style the hair!
Decided to make a proper thread about my latest work, here’s the Don Post, I love the small size!
Started converting it straight away!
Day 2:
Now I’m waiting for the glue to settle, tomorrow I’ll style the hair!
Completed the rehaul today!
Here’s a comparison with the Boogeyman (also rehauled), I think the Don Post is the vastly superior mask
Also some costume shots!
EDIT: I can do a wicked castle stretch by stuffing it a bit
Let me know what you think!
Great job! That is no easy task
Thank you very much!
I took some full costume photos with the stretch
I think i might need to pad the sides as well a bit so the eyes don’t lose their shape as much, but I’m getting there!
Lookin good! Costume shots came out real cool