I’m not sure if anybody else has ever had this problem, but here goes.
Any time I wear my TOTS Elrod mask, the face looks like it’s smiling. It must be the way my face is shaped, I dunno, but I really can’t wear it because it looks like The Shape is very happy with himself! I’ve even tried to do the Castle Stretch and it still looks the same.
Well if I thought I was giving a Warlock stretch, I’d never wear a Myers mask ever again! DW is the worst Shape actor in the entire franchise IMHO.
I think it’s just that my face is too fat. Lol. I’m a larger fellow, more rotund than the average guy, so I think if I lost weight then it wouldn’t look as bad! Hahaha!
The original DPS 1975 Kirk mask has something of a “Mona Lisa” smirk to it. It’s not very noticeable when you look at the mask as it normal looks. I suspect some comfort viewing may be at play here, too. We look at the mask so much and so often, our eyes no longer pick up new details unless we’re specifically looking for them.
The smirk is far more noticeable if you reverse the image of the Kirk. Again, this is where our comfort viewing comes into play. The image is no longer as we’re used to seeing it, and our eyes immediately begin to pick up details we’re normally used to seeing.