Hello guys,
I’m new to redo hairs on masks and ideas and tips please?
What kind of hair should I use ? Mohair, Camel or any other possibilities ?
Where can I buy the hair from ?
I’m trying to take off the hair from my TOTS h2 mask to experiment and learn how to make the hair more accurate because it’s a mess
Thank you !
Camel hair is what’s already on the mask. The camel hair on the mask isn’t bad, it’s just that it’s glued on in a way that it doesn’t lay as flat as it could. It can definitely be worked with. However, if you want something better then mohair is probably the best bet. Then you can just start fresh which is always best.
I used to hair masks with camel but now prefer mohair
What’s the best way to utilize crepe hair. I’m able to get it straight but is their a way to reuse and straighten access hair that comes off? I’m a work in progress over here. Thx in advance.
I used a garment steamer to straighten the crepe. That was easiest for me and it didn’t take it long to dry. You really can’t reuse the hair that comes out when you brush it. The hair loss happens when you brush mohair as well.