TOTS H4 Production Copy!

Not bad at all! Looks a bit snug on what is likely Zephro’s head, but the hair and paint look great for a mass produced piece- even tho H4 isn’t super hard to mess up (if the sculpt is good you’re 90% there already) but this looks really nice imo!

Looks good.

Looks great, I’m impressed!

Looks good. It is the most simple mask of the series so I figured they couldn’t really mess this one up, especially considering the original sculpt

TOTS said on their Instagram it should fit up to 24 inches and is most similar in size to their hospital mask.

Really looks great! I pre ordered 2 back in February!

Why does it look so rough, like sandpaper?

I think the original had a rough texture

The original was almost 100% smooth for the most part. The reason theirs has a sandpaper texture is because they were specifically going for the repainted stunt mask used for most promo shots :slight_smile:

I think your H4 has more promise. This is just a letdown.

Interesting, so the TOTS H4 is not based on the hero? If so, I wonder why they would have went that route. Seems odd that they wouldn’t replicate the main hero mask you see in the vast majority of the movie.

Justin said it was based off the Halloween 4 issue of Fangoria, his fave h4 and the pics in Fango were the rough mask
The hero masks were painted better, the promo mask looks like they used half a can of spraypaint

Makes me feel excited to know that this really kick ass looking Mask is on its way in 4 months!! :smiley:

Looks better than the TOTS promo pics imo. Can’t wait for mine.

Dead on to the Fangoria cover.

I think H4 looks better than H1!! Just my opinion

Looks really good! I may have to get one. Really looking forward to seeing more of their H5.

Oh wow, that looks great! I personally like the textured look, it is spot on to the stunt mask. I see no reason for an overhaul on this if they are coming out looking like that. Glad I pre-ordered the day they went up on the site! Can’t wait!

Is there any reason the neck extension doesn’t go the full circumference of the mask? It appears more like a flap rather an extension. Has this been asked?

I think it’s because it wouldn’t be comfortable for the wearer