Tots H40 Hair?

So I’m planning on ovehauling an H40 mask soon and I’m wondering. Do I have to rehair the mask or can I do something with the stock hair to make it at least presentable?

Turn around the tots hair and bend it upwards. It works out pretty good. :+1:t3:

I don’t quite understand. How do you turn the hair around?

Look up Cosplay Chris on YT, he explains it better.

I’ve noticed that on some of the tots masks there is almost too much hair. I am converting a tots kirk and removing the hair was super easy, it came off in large strips. After removing it I realized I could probably use the same hair but just apply it better, more sparingly. There was soo much of the stuff on there it looked floofy and not right.

I removed the front strip of hair and turned it over then folded it back on its self. But try to be very careful when you remove it. Try to do it all together without breaking it in to several strips. Just makes it easy to reglue

Oh okay, thanks man!

I dont know if anyone ever answered you, but the TOTS 2018 mask is made with 100 percent camel

Hi :smiley:
This is my first post here at the website-
Well I ordered my TOT’s Elrod mask yesterday but now i am eager to find a youtube Workshop/makeover Tutorial showing how to Remove the Sides and behind the ears ,this is my first Michael Myers mask oh and I read Shapeandforms tips but when my mask arrives i will want to be ready :smiley: .

Honestly if you apply a lot of hair gel to the hair and kind of run your finger in a circular motion then let it dry it will look good.

Thanks everyone for the help I really appreciate it!