After 3 paintjobs, setbacks and one hell of a learning curve, I finally got my H6 TOTS mask as close to film accurate as I could muster at this point in time! Thanks to various board members as well as Doctormixter who pretty much guided me along the way step by step. Also special thanks to Barbarian Studios for tolerating my woes on dealing with this mask lmaooo

Nice looking rehaul really like the paint scheme.

Agreed I like the paint job :rock:

Glad to have helped you out. This is amazing work for a first-timer. Great job on the hairline too - those can be really tricky even with experience, so you should be very proud. Happy Halloween!

It was VERY tough to do, thankfully a forum member or two mentioned how Hardin does his masks and the film masks paintjobs so that helped. I used that plus what DM informed me about to do the final work! Thank you for the kind words!

I’m VERY happy with how that came out even if the hair has been difficult to style, but the fact the line looks alright is a BIG plus for me! thank you once again for your wisdom, mentorship and kindness!

Hey guys, I made a little vid that shows off the mask, just in case you needed to see it in motion or whatever! Happy (belated) Halloween!