First off im not trying to start a lets bash tots more post. I will say i was hoping for something better after we were teased with a second mask pretty early on. That’s not whats on my mind though. So now that weve seen the bts pics of the 5 masks including clean versions, that ended up not making the film and all the flash back scenes were scrapped. Ive also heard that justin mabry sculpted that version (the clean) and chris nelson aged the sculpt, not sure if thats true. For whatever reason I’m wondering if tots had plans to release a clean version but the scenes were scrapped and thus had to scramble to have a second mask. Just a thought.
TOTS wasn’t able to release the clean version of the mask unfortunately as it was never used in the film. Although we only see it for a split second, the bloody version was used in the film so that is the mask they were legally allowed to produce. Hopefully the extended cut of the film has scenes with the clean mask so they can release it in the future as it looks badass
“I brought in Justin Mabry, a phenomenal mask sculptor and a Halloween fan, to sculpt a 1978 mask for a possible flashback in the film. Vincent and I subsequently took a clay pour of it and altered it quite a bit. This film takes place 40 years later, so we aged and changed it, and that’s how it ended up the way it looks.”
I’d be curious to see the Marby sculpt before Nelson changed it. I doubt we’ll ever see it thought because of contractual obligations and such.
Theres pics and videos surfacing of the actual clay sculpt being altered by Nelson as well as the clean mask in the pics i posted in this thread. Not sure any actually show mabry’s un altered sculpt though.
Although I like the aged sculpt better, I really do like the clean version…would be awesome if TOTS released it after the DVD comes out with deleted scenes.
I really want that clean version. Can’t lie,…I do. I like it. I think the clean and the aged look great together and make a great set. I wish I could buy two masks out of that pic.
Not the badly painted yellow TOTs ones, but a clean and aged one exactly like that photo.
Agreed. They look damn good and in that lighting you can really see that the aged copies aren’t as dirty as they appear to be. I’d love to own one of each as well and am hoping Justin strikes up some type of deal. A NightOwl version of these would be absolute insanity
The screen used mask looked way dirtier. Unless they went back and added more color, but if you look at nick holding the mask, it looks like the ones shown in these pics.
Lighting definitely does wonders. I know that there were separate masks sculpted for both Nick and JJC but I’m not sure how different the weathering looked on each. Just crazy how dark and yellow so many overhauls I see are when comparing them to the actual screen used masks without any special lighting