Trick Or Treat *H40 Costume

Just edited a few pics from Halloween and thought I would share :rock: :myers: :pumpkin:

What’s up with the eye in the first pic? Is that a contact you’re wearing?

Amazing shots, I really love how the 2018 mask looks out and about. The last one in specific looks like it could be a movie still!

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Dead eye contacts :myers:

Looks fantastic!!

They’re f@#king awesome! :rock:

Were did you buy them? I’d like to get one for myself to complete my Papa 3 look when I wear the costume. I heard that getting contacts from anyone other than an ophthalmologist is taking a huge risk. Something to do with damaging your eyes. What’s your take on that?

I got it on amazon - best advise don’t use it for long lol I am working on getting a prosthetic which is by far the best option and what Chris Nelson used on film

these are incredible dude!