True..1975 Kirk (Myers) Hair ....again!

Looking at this pics from DP i really wondering about if its possible that the hair was some cheap puppet hair like on kids dolls or barbies…

its so shiny and slick! camel and mohair are most use today… but was it really used in 75?

found some puppet hair and the structure and light effects are close

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It looks a bit too fine in my opinion, too synthetic. You’d have to see it person to tell for sure

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the Hair on the Kirk reminds me also a bit of flex hair

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Wool and other similar fibres can be shiny like human hair, given the right treatment. Not plastic shiny though.
It would explain how some DPS Kirk have shiny hair, and some don’t.

Here is the hair used on the Kirks. Vintage Chewbacca’s. Back in the day they were affordable. Not so much now.

so they used Wookie Hair . we are all wrong with mohair and camel … Damn [emoji23][emoji23][emoji23]

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Here’s another great example of Shiny Kirk hair. Vintage Quasi…

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People talk about the hair like it is some great mystery. When it is easily obtainable. And it is indeed beautiful.

This ^

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Ash blonde mohair mixed with some ash blonde crepe. There’s your Kirk hair.

I don’t know where the yak belly hair story came from. I believed it for years. I was trying to track it down when I had a bag of the ash blonde mohair under my bed the entire time. lol

Yak hair came from Josh getting a sample tested by a lab.

Modern mohair seems too fine when I compared to 75 Kirk locks. Modern equivalents always seem to differ in a few small ways. Mohair/crepe mix and one other fiber I have (that shall remain nameless haha) are the closest I’ve found for sure!

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Yeah the modern crepe and mohair aren’t quite the same as the old stuff. It is finer and smells different. What other fibre do you use? I think I have bags of every thing in existence due to my frantic search for yak belly hair. lol

I have yak hair but it’s extremely fine and tears easily.

Iam now a Wookie Hair believer! maybe some Ewok Hair from Endor could work as well

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Damn it Ghost, now you’re going to have me obsessively searching again. lol

:laughing: I’ve just found it funny, most assume that because we know what WAS used then that means if it’s still available it’s gonna be the closest stuff we have today when that just isn’t the case

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Are you the riddler? :laughing:

Starting to feel like it :laughing: :laughing: :rolleyes:

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The Kirk hair conspiracy goes on.