Two 1985 Don Post

These are my two 1985 Don Posts. One is in better shape and a lot whiter while the other one is more aged and darker in color. I’m also wanting to sell one if anyone is interested.

Very cool!

Sent you a pm. :smiley:


Love it man. The 85 and 86 are real evil…and so CLASSIC. Thanks for sharing!

Cool masks!! Gotta love the 85!! However I was SO hoping one was an 84. :drinkers:

Vintage killers for sure.

this was the first ever MYERS mask i owned. i got it when it came out and i was 6. ive had it ever since then… well, about 10 yrs ago, my Ex girlfriend gave me a styrofoam head to put the mask on… i didnt know any better, and used the head… about 2 months later, it started melting ansdd then a couple days after that got rock hard and started cracking. :frowning: :frowning: :blush: :blush: :imp: :myers :myers :myers i still own it, but its so fragile i cant really do anything with it. i just cant pull myself to throw it out. :myers:

Thank you to everyone for the compliments, I appreciate it!