This is a cool little setup…
the pic is to big
the h9 looks alot like my nag screenused mask
i put a link above it.
someone needs to tell Tyler to stuff his masks
i want the one on the left lol
I know it bugs me dude
I was thinking the same thing. Got to stuff the H9 a little
The exposed mask is awesome!
BTW once i sell my two propertys im going to offer him some money for that H1 mask trying doesnt hurt me at all lol
For real… Damn this is a sweet pic though. You can really see the masks in a lot of detail here. This would make an excellent reference for the different mask makers out there. Thanks for sharing this!
Yeah this is a great shot…I think the guy who took this shot did tell Tyler about the importance of stuffing…Im sure he has done so by now…But man this is a great reference shot…Its crazy how much lighting can change the appearance of weathering on screen…The weathering looks much darker on screen…In this pic is more subtle…I guess all the more fun to get a mask the way you want it…I tend to like the on screen look when I get mask done but to have one painted as it really is just as cool…One thing this pic really shows well also is how paper thin the mask is, which I like …I mean we always knew it was thin but this pic shows that nicely…Later guys
Very cool pic. From the look of it, it seems some of our guys realy do make realy nice screen replicas. The Nag H9 and Hss look very close to these badboys.
Yep those are Tyler’s. They are amazing masks and setup. Here are the other pics.
Those mask’s rule!!
-Big D
Now when people make the exposed masks, they know exactly what section needs to be removed…
Haha, glad to see that’s he made a great setup for his masks. Not only does he have screenused pieces in his collection…he’s Myers himself!
That is all sorts of Badass!!!
Where did you get that, and if you bought that. How much did that shit cost
did anyone here make his masks stands?