UL75 and SSN Sandman comparison? Please?

I was wondering if anyone had both SSN Sandman and UL75 masks that they could do a side by side picture comparison of them (even better if they are minimally shaded and weathered)?
I have what is essentially a Sandman 78 proto myself (bought it well before the Sandman masks were ever advertised, in the same time frame the Sean Clark 75 was the only mask Sean was selling, around '97 /early '98), and I’m intrigued at how these masks compare as I read that the UL75 was an enlarged recast of the Sean Clark 75 Small, while the Sandman was pressed directly from Sean’s enlarged original Kirk.

Also it’d be nice to see side by sides with any of the re-tools of the UL75 like the Boogeyman 75, NAG UL75 re-tool, and the JTK.

Does anyone know who has the Sandman master or molds? It seems like a lot of the other masks SSN put out had their masters or molds bought by other mask makers (The Revenge, Curse, Brute, H:20 masks, H3 masks, and Loree). I’m surprised no one is making the Sandman or has re-tooled it since the shape of the mask is still top of the line even today.

Thank you for any and all help.

When did sean sell the molds? When he shut down the site to focus on the celeb management he had stated he wasnt getting rid of anything so he had the option in the future to do masks again. Just curious to know…

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I don’t know all of what he sold off, but I’m quite positive the Revenge went to Tommy of Ghastly Pro, the Curse went to KreationX, I think Brad Hardin uses the Wilbur for his BH6 Large, and I remember reading about the H:20 and Resurrection stuff going to others as well. I don’t know if he sold masters and kept molds or kept masters and sold molds, but I’m pretty sure some things were sold off. Of course I could be wrong.

SSN Curse didn’t went to CreationX :laughing:
Mike bought movie production mold blank from ebay and casted it to make his Kurse mask.

Are you positive? The features are the same as the Curse, and though most every H6 mask has a lineage back to the original molds, there are differences that make them unique. For instance the Nightowl/Ghastly Pro 6 and the Alexander Sanchez 6 are both from production blanks but both look different from one another, but they have more in common with each other than with the Kurse. Much like the different Kirk pressings, each H6 has a signature to their look, but like I said before, I could be wrong. I would not be surprised if there were a common lineage with the Curse and Kurse though, perhaps both came from the same blank?

Anyway I’d still like to see a UL75 and Sandman side by side.

Kreation X had received an H6 production blank, and used that to make the Kurse.
It’s entirely possible tommy received the H5 from SSN, but I doubt it.
Didn’t Brad recieve a H6 mask to make the H20 mask? I don’t believe it was ever used but the mask that was to be used was for sale from Scott (QOTS) if he did recieve a master to make the new one he could be offering masks from that?
The H20 has been recast multiple times, but I haven’t seen any out of the original moulds not from SSN.
I’ve only seen one or two resurrection masks, and both are from SSN.
He absolutely has the moulds still.

I was told that the BH6 Large came from the Wilbur, but the small was from another source altogether (and then you have the QOTS/Hardin H:20 from the H6). I’m pretty positive the Revenge comes from the SSN master or a mold or has soem common source, it’s the exact same mask and Tommy doesn’t recast (much like Andrew from JITB doesn’t). I also thought Brad has the H:20 v.1 (KNB) mold?
It’s really interesting how much alike the Kurse and Curse are, like I said I wonder if the same blank was used for each as the features are the same? When I put all my H6’s side by side they all have a signature look from all the different sources and when I was studying the Curse I kept on looking back at the Kurse and saw how much in common they had (besides the name).

Thanks for the help, I didn’t mean to really sound like I was making definitive claims, but sometimes you read things that turn out to be false, the hobby gets confusing sometimes with all the different sources of masks.

The explanation to the KX Kurse was pretty confusing itself.

"Mike Of Kreation X bought the screen-used mask about 8 years ago from a private collector, mask fully intact & still preserved. A month ago he decided he wanted to go forward and make an H6 mask & went directly off his Screen-Used movie mold blank & Wallah!

This mask was cast FROM one of THE SCREEN-USED MOVIE MOLDS used during the filming of Halloween 6.The Mask is a medium-thin pull, sized @ 23.5 inches. The Hair is fur, dark reddish brown as seen in the film. The paint,weathering,& detail on this mask is none like I’ve ever see before. ABSOLUTELY FLAWLESS IN EVERY SINGLE WAY."

First off, there is nothing screen-used about the mask blank, or the mask mould. The masks seen on screen are screen-used. A blank from the mould is exactly that, a blank from the h6 mould.
If he got it ten years ago (original post was in 2011) I don’t believe it to be a SSN master.

Hopefully we can discuss this until someone fills the tall task of taking side by side shots of the UL and Sandman.

Haha, yeah! :smiley:

Another veteran member PM’ed me a while ago while I was trying to find the origins of a bunch of masks saying that the Curse came from a production used (which doesn’t necessarily equate to screen used) mask, maybe Sean sold that off to Mike?
Here’s an example of how similar they look, so if I’m mistaken about a shared lineage of some sort I hope one can see why I made that assumption.

SSN Curse top, KX Kurse bottom for both sets.

Here are some old pics I Have, The single pics are the UL, and the double pics are a SSN 78 & 81. I can eventually do side by side shots (if these are the ones your Looking for), but I’d have to go thru around 80 boxes to find them. Yeah stupid me never marked the boxes. Hope these help! Bob

Thank you very much desi3, that’s the type of thing I was looking for, shots with similar lighting and angles with the same camera works perfectly.

The differences were kind of what I expected looking at my Sandman proto then at pics of the UL75, while the UL75 seems to have the definition of the v-brow and similar features the Sandman is much more defined and keeps a much better shape (still among the top 5 masks in that area in my opinion) whereas the UL75 seems to have the fattening traits of the enlarging process (especially enlarging such a small mask).
Nice eyecuts on your Sandman 78 by the way. I still have my original eye cuts, but am going to do proper ones as the outline of the Kirk eyes is still there because the cuts Mr. Clark made are on the small side.