Unearthed H2 Preview

Here are a few pics Justin sent me of my Unearthed H2 that is ready to go! I will post more pics once it arrives but Justin has been great from the time I placed the order until he finished it keeping me updated and I never once had to ask him. Awsome guy to deal with!!!

Very cool bro! Looks badass! How much do one of those run you by the way?

looking good

I’m pretty shure there $315 for the H1
not shure if its more or less for an H2

I paid $375 for mine…it was shipped out today…shoud be here early next week…


That looks good man. Did you request no blood?


Thanks for the comments guys… Yeah Mick I ordered it without blood. I just like it better that way. Just my preference but to me it looks good ether way!

Here are a few more pics Justin sent me… He did a great job on this! This is exactly how I wanted him to do it!!

That’s one great looking mask my man I wish he offered those in larger sizes :frowning:
Congrats on the score!
Take care.

AWESOME! Can’t wait for you to get it and style the hair accurately! If Justin produced a bit more of these or makes a 2nd run, count me in. Or, if Justin makes a H2 Revolver or Exposed, also count me in!

He will paint it like the revolver if you want him to. I believe he will though unless something has changed. I don’t want to volunteer the mans services or anything so I would touch base with him first! Your just going to hold up my Unearthed H9 some more!! :imp: J/k! I got a deposit on it so I know he will get to it… If you or anyone can order this mask I would say jump on it!!! Don’t forget about that camaro though!!!

I’m trying to keep that #1 Priority, but I’m sure you know all about the Disease! You see a mask you really like, reconsider because there’s something else more important. Then, you can’t get it out of your head, and you eventually break down and order it! At least that’s how it happens to me.

Oh yes! I know all to well about that disease! It is getting for me to where I go to sleep thinking about this hobby and wake up thinking about it! All the overtime I worked this last week the only thing I could think about was all this extra money is going towards my next purchase! I am getting bad!! I have a credit card with a pretty good sized limit and it is all I can do to keep from just popping in about 3 or 4 more orders on it!! Plus we are getting the tax credit for buying a house back soon and good lord I know I will get a few things with that!! I am ashamed to admit all this :frowning: