So I see this picture alot…

I started out with one of my old UNTAMED blanks I had left and began to mess around a little bit. I had originally haired it with Crepe hair, but didnt like it, so i ripped all that off and got crazy with the fur. As you can see it is messy and lays over that right ear messy like the shot above.

I also painted the eyebrows brown cuz in this shot of the film they are. Tell me what you think of it. If you want it, i may be willing to sell it

Thats looks good Chris…Nice work.

thanks dude…i think the RAINING RED would make a better look for the mask i was replicating, but i had a blank left of the UNTAMED and went to work

wow you have great talent there man
I always like the way your work turns out


I always appreciate your comments too Sean! You’re definitley the go to man on advice for the H2 as well :wink:

I LOVE that shot from H6, but I’ve never seen a mask capture that look until now. Great job!

I dunno. You’re gonna have to send it to me for some inspection… :laughing: :stuck_out_tongue:

Thanks dude! I still think a Raining Red would be closer. I think the Raining Red captures that mask better than Untamed. I always thought the UNTAMED looks like the mask from the P-CUT

Looks dead on bro.Outstanding paint up and hair on this…

thanks man :slight_smile:

Thats a nasty paint job Chris! Very Nice!

Very nice paint job.

good paint job, but i think in that pic its just the shadow and its not actually brown eyebrows…

no sir, watch it again, i dont have the close up when he looks down when Tommy hands him the “baby” but they are indeed brown.

if someone has that screen cap, post it

This mask is awesome Chris, I really like the look

Very Nice bro…It looks great man

Thanks man! I just made a new mold for my Raining Red…re-tooled the eyes a bit and will be doing up some new painting schemes on that, so stay tuned :slight_smile: