Perhaps you guys can help a fellow Halloween fan out.
I’m working on a personal project: I’m redoing the Blu-Ray covers for Halloween 4 & 5 to have the correct masks. I pretty much finished 5 and it looks great I think, but 4… not so much. Have a look at my work in progress below- it’s not so hot.
All I had to work with was images from the internet, so here’s what I was wondering:
Can anyone out there with a decent Halloween 4 mask take a photo- with similar lighting as in the original cover? (Simply with a light pointed down at it- I can manipulate it if I just have the groundwork) I just need those great shadows under the nose and jaw, you know what I mean?
I’ll be happy to share my finished file when I’m done!!
If I could get a copy done I’d post some up of mine, but I’ve had nothing but problems lol. Provided I get one pulled/finished by the time I’d be more than happy to post a photo for you
Here it is so far. I’m also planning on changing Jamie’s costume, reworking the mask a bit further, and of course putting the finished image on the spine.
But it already looks a million times better than my H4. If only I could get a decent image to work with
Right?? If I could only get a shot of a 4 mask with the overhead lighting too, I’d be set!
And check this out- I found this online and can’t credit the artist (it’s definitely not mine though), but someone else already put Jamie in her alternate costume! So I snatched it and added it to mine!
I still need to tinker with the mask (the original had bold black shadow between where the knife ends and the mask begins) but other than that I think 5 is about done!
That’s what I need here!
I need someone with a decent H4 mask (I don’t have one) to take a photo for me.
With a flashlight shining down from above the mask, it should give me just what I need
I would definitely do that… if I had an H4. I ordered a ToTs H4 back in February and am planning on rehauling a ToTs Kirk into an H4 but sadly that’s not gonna happen in a while. Maybe hit up a guy on here named Rickster85, he’s got the coveralls and maybe the mask, so he might be able to help you.
Nice pictures, I just think the eye in the H4 cover has to go. Otherwise, not too bad. Interesting to see what these would have most likely looked like with the correct masks.