Just thought this post would be fun here are some really popular H1-H2 masks listed vote for your favorite:)Sorry I have no idea why it wiped out yalls votes
Man… It is almost impossible to choose just one. I was being realistic with my choice. I mean come on you put a DP 75 KIRK on the list which will never happen for me so I just wanted to be real about my choice. I absolutely love my NAG/JC MINT 75 “BLOOD TEARS” Dick Warlock TRIBUTE. James just knocked it out the park in my opinion. Mike
DP 75 is the obvious choice here, however a KHDW original will always hold a special place in my heart. The SLE is a close second however i personally prefer the more subtle features over the more defined SLE . The history behind these masks is what gets my vote. IMO unbeatable
I am always amazed when I see the results in a vote like this. The KHSLE and the DB2 which are EASILY two of the best (if not THE best) replicas ever made have ZERO votes thus far!!
I voted for the obvious choice, the DPS 75 Kirk. I likely will never own one but that is the ultimate goal to reach for a Myers collector.
I think this is due to the fact that only a few guys have these rare masks and therefore cannot properly vote on it b/c they’ve never held/seen it in person. Usually these types of threads are filled with votes on H78’s, Psychos, NightmareMans, etc. The masks that are in abundance, but still have very close 75 Kirk/Myers qualities.
Good call on the Nightmare as being a favored obtainable mask. The proportions, ears and overall features are EASILY better than most of the more popular masks. Your conversion is a prime example of the awesome H1 look these can pull off and James has shown the H2 potential of these masks.
Thx Benny. Yeah, the NAG Nightmare is highly underrated. All of the proportions are definitely dead-on, which is pretty rare when it comes to replicas. Usually you see a noggin that’s too big, a face that’s too compressed, ears too high, etc. It’s VERY difficult to sculpt in proportional anatomy unless you’ve studied it to death. JC’s H2 Nightmare conversion also hits a sweet spot! Love those masks! My favorite thing about the DB2 is the flawless pull quality, tiny details, and the finishwork. Dennis is at the top of the game, no doubt. My only gripes on the DB2 are the chin, nose, and size being just a tad too large. But then again, I just obsess about every detail when it comes to Myers.