
lol, this was already discused…im confident, these are the MMP warlock mask blanks, Z

They dont look like MMP’s Warlock mask, but its not a CGP Warlock nither…

Most of MMP’s masks were UL75 and Nightmares. These blanks dont look like UL75’s or Nightmre blanks.


who knos, lol, they are surely not cgp, but if i had to choose a mask it is…id go with the MMP warlock, just my opinion :smiley: Z

I didnt even know they made Warlocks. Either way, this guys auction doesnt look legit.

mmp made a warlock, it was an early mask though, if u look, mmps website is still up, and the pics and masks on the site, are from the 2005 lineup, and on that lineup is the Return of the warlock, so, the original MMP warlock was prolly from before 2005:)

Yeah Michaelscarredfos posted a few pics of the finished mmp warlock but it still didnt look much like these blanks.
They probably are mmp’s, its just that description is a little fuzzy!
and honestly his feedback is shady so i would save yourself the headache!
I just read this guys feedback & he told a buyer someone stole sneakers from his house that were supposed to be sold!WTF!!!
stay away from this clown!

What are they? They don’t even look like they’re all the same mask to me.

Forget the masks, this guys feedback is a bit scary. Otherwise I’d consider it.

yea…i wouldnt, i dont trust him…Z

I wasnt thinking of buying them, I just saw it and thought I’d post it cause they didnt look like Warlock blanks to me.

They dont look like warlock blanks to me at all.

Didn’t the Warlock come out in 2005? He said they were sculpted in 2002. These are not Warlocks! WTF is wrong with people?? Is it the water? Air? Paint?

I asked him a couple of questions through ebay and he responded to each of them.

He is in fact a wack job. :unamused:
