What are the chances that William Shatner

has any of the original Kirk masks at his house??? Wonder if he has a Myers Conversion of it?? How awesome would it be for a mask maker from here to be able to make one for him?? Someone really should send him a Mask all done up for him to see what he thinks of it!!!

I actually wondered that one time myself? You would think he’d have at least one of his masks anyway right? I wonder if Leonard Nimoy has a Spock mask too? It’s not everyday you get a mask made after yourself :rock:
Oh and as far as him wanting a Myers version, from what I understand he was never too crazy about them using his likeness in the first place. Who knows though? lol

I actually know this…His daughter interviewed him a while back & asked…“Is it true your face was used for a mask in a horror movie”

:“Yes they took my the Captain Kirk mask & painted it white for a horror movie in the late 70’s” …

So i doubt he’s a huge fan as he didnt really seem to know the name of the movie or really care too much but just knew that his image was used at the time…Still a nice guy though…Its on You tube somewhere.

i saw that too on youtube, but he sounds happy about it because he then goes on to say “remember when i took you trick or treating, i wore a michael myers mask and didn’t know i was wearing my own face” and they both laughed about it! :smiley:

hmmm, it WOULD be cool to send him a mask… but he’d probably end up suing me for using his likeness. :laughing: :stuck_out_tongue:

That’s a good question. I wonder if he does have at least a Krik version, you would think he probabaly ask for one when they took his lifecast.

William Shatner does not own a kirk mask. He may own one of the lifecasts though.

He may sue us all :laughing:

I think he’s glad just too still be reconized. He would milk the myers scene too death with sig masks and what not if he knew it was this profitable.

He should show up to a convention with a Michael mask one time!! LOL. A real good one!! That would be awesome of him to do!!


Thanks guys… There is another one too…This one is actually a bit better then what i had scene

That is pretty cool.

yeah that’s the one, thanks aeroflow :smiley:

My mother is a counselor at a womens recovery home (substance abuse) and he actually OWNs the house in Beverly Wood (a 1.5 million dollar house) and donated to them for a sober living, they only have to pay him $1.00 a year in rent.

It’s pretty amazing.

I’ve met him a TON of times… next time I do… maybe I’ll ask . I can certainly get anything to him.