What do you guys make of this H2 mask?

What do you guys make of this H2 mask?

It looks like a repainted Warlock to me.

Looks like a mask from Heretic pro.
Didn’t he make Warlock recasts?
Not saying that it is…

looks nice to me, may need a little more weathering but the shape and everything looks good to me! :smiley:

Nope. You pegged the wrong guy :slight_smile: It was Bill Miller who did, I think.

Bill made 2 copies and mark bought them to give to a couple of kids on his street

If that’s so I apologize to Heretic. :wink:

Hehe, that’s my understanding – a repainted Warlock. Actually I think someone on here repainted it…it may have been Heretic.

Looks like a recasted (and terrible) Warlock to me.

Agree :slight_smile:

Recasted? Forgive my ignorance but what does that entail exactly? Oh well. I knew it wasn’t perfect when I got it, and for the price I got it for I still like it :slight_smile: Plus it actually fits my big head.

don’t listen to them, it is really nice! :smiley: