Thought this would be a nifty thread to bring back!
-TOTS Lunatic:
This was the mask that got my back into the horror scene. I spotted it on Amazon one night last year and I couldn’t believe what I was looking at. It was a replica Halloween II mask on the indy market! This is also the first mask that I’ve ever retouched. I gave it a complete repaint, and then used artist chalk all over it to get the look I was going for.
-Prop Shop Psychopath Revolver:
This was my first true Indy mask. I’ve always loved the look of the Revolver mask, and I wanted it to be my first. When it arrived, I was ecstatic! It also fits me the best out of any of my other masks, and it looks great on me!
-TOTS HII Bloodtears:
After the first, I couldn’t stop! I ordered the H2 Bloodtears after I got the notice from Chris Zephro that the H2 “Clean” was being retracted and that refunds would be offered. I got it the same day as I got my Prop Shop H1. This was the second time I’ve ever retouched a mask. Like the Lunatic, I gave it a near complete repaint, used artist chalk to create the weathered effect. I then used theatrical blood to extend the mask into a sick, bloody mess!
-Prop Shop PsychopatH1:
This is the second indy Myers mask I’ve ever bought, and I couldn’t be happier with the paint job on it.
-CGP St. Nick:
My first true H1 mask, I found it on eBay while looking for an H1 mask. When it arrived, the mask was severely yelled, so I took to my retouching skills, gave it a repaint and some slight H1 style weathering, and was exceedingly happy about the result.
-Crash Creations Project 82 v.3 Part III:
I bought this one after jarrett62960 told me about it while I was looking to buy a good Part III hock. I absolutely cannot be any more stoked about this mask. I think it’s the best hock I could ever own and it looks so dead on, I could swear it was screen used!
-NAG H78:
The H78 is a mask I’ve wanted for a long, long time. In fact, it’s one of the reasons I collect masks in the first place. One day, while on eBay, I spotted an H78 show up for a steal of a price. The sellers pics weren’t incredible, and the hair looked a little patchy so I was, of course, hesitant. Finally, I figured I couldn’t beat the price and I pulled the trigger thinking I could just touch up the mask or sent it to Freddy or somebody for an overhaul. Well, that didn’t even come close to being necessary. My Dad and I went down to Bourbinais to watch the Chicago Bears practice the day the tracking # showed it due to arrive. It was something neither of us had ever done and we’re big Bears fans. Anyway, when I got home, what should be at my front door but a little cubic box that masks often arrive in. I was so excited I couldn’t even eat my lunch as I rushed up to my room to open the package. When I did, my jaw dropped. Inside, was the most gorgeous mask I’d ever lain eyes on. The excitement and pride in me to finally be owning what I consider as one of my Hero masks still courses through me. The weathering is perfect, the sculpt is perfect, and I could not own a better mask.
-NightOwl Psycho:
The Pyscho, along with the H78, is the other reason I collect masks. It was the image of the proto that first stirred my love for this mask in me, and today it’s the one mask in my collection than makes me grin like a schoolboy every time I look at it.